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Assemble PDF Pattern the Quick Way

Assemble PDF Patterns the Quick Way

Do you want to see how I assemble my PDF patterns at home? Unlike most people, I print and assemble my patterns many times. When I draft a pattern and place it in the proper format, I print my pattern. Then if I have any changes, I revise, print and assemble the pattern again. I don’t […]

Itch to Stitch Hurricane Harvey relief fundraiser - August 31 2017

Hurricane Harvey Relief Fundraiser

Many people have donated to the Hurricane Harvey flood victims and so can you. Itch to Stitch is holding a Hurricane Harvey Relief Fundraiser today (August 31). You can get 25% off any pattern from the shop using the code TEXAS. Fifty percent of the proceeds will be donated to Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund by The Greater Houston Community Foundation. The sewing pattern […]

10 Mistakes Every Apparel Sewist Will Make

10 Mistakes Every Apparel Sewist Will Make

Have you ever wondered why it happens to you? That moment you sit down to your machine to complete that super-fast thirty minute project and it somehow becomes a three hour project. I spent several hours on an infinity scarf once, it only had two seams. How is that even possible? For me, it was […]

Acari Trench 20% Off - Sale Ends Soon!